World Token
9 min readApr 17, 2021



So lets get started! Before we even start talking about the project, can you tell us a bit about your team?

A1(World Token)

The team comprises of myself, with a degree in management, so we were taught more geared toward building startups. I’m also fairly well versed in crypto (been around since 2015) and a fair hand in e-commerce cybersecurity.
Jiro is a fine arts grad who focuses on the branding and digital marketing of the project. He’s handled several media campaigns for companies both local and international before.
Appa is our head community manager, as he runs the mods and spearheads helping out others and answering questions in the chats.
We have several devs on board now, with the lead dev being full-stack, two specializing in the frontend, and one specializing in UI/UX.

A1(Holder Finance)

I’m Crypto Cowboy, an almost 38 yo Frenchy dad and husband. I have five years of experience in crypto. Since 2016, I never stopped thinking that cryptocurrencies and Blockchain are the future for many current industries, if not all!
I ran an unsuccessful ICO back in 2018 in the supply chain area. This failure has permitted me to learn a lot in the most challenging way and understand more about the crypto sphere.

@don_salal, our business developer, will introduce himself directly. The rest of the team is composed of 7 other team members, Andrea the lead dev, three devs working on the front end and UI/UX, 2 CMs, and our Marketing Manager.


Can you tell us about your project?

A2 (World Token)

World features a token with a 3% transaction fee distributed among the development, holders, merchants, and LP stakers. Transactions in the marketplace are settled in this token. The marketplace itself is escrow-based and is built to sell digital goods, services, and NFTs at first. V2 will focus on convenience (features such as minting of NFTs on the site itself, vendor bonds to allow anyone to sell any digital goods/services, etc) and the L2 solution; then, after that, we’re launching our P2P exchange for ERC-20 tokens to make fiat exchanges far smoother.

A2(Holder Finance)

We build the private sale in the most smoothly and transparent way as it is all managed on the blockchain. No funds at risk on a random Smart Contract; when you bought HFi through our website, it is automatically transferred into your MM wallet. As simple as that!
-We have released the HolderSwap v1 back in Jan our decentralized plugin platform to Uniswap v2, audited by CTDsec, our incorporated security audit partner. You can check their website CTDsec.com
Jorge Rodriguez, a well-known White Hat, is the CEO, and we have been in contact since 2016, and we worked together in the past.
- In Feb, we improved the UI and the design of HolderSwap. We rebranded the project with a new logo and a new theme color while building different smart contracts to develop HolderSwap further and make it more innovative.

We are working now on a bridge protocol to be able to wrap HFS & HFi in BSC thus benefiting of the lower fees there. We are going to release HolderSwap v2 on BSC to allow limit orders on PCS this week


What is the history of your project?

A3 (World Token)

Well going back a couple of years ago, Jiro and I got scammed on a dodgy website. We needed to get our hands on Nintendo gift cards because the online store doesn’t accept non-US credit/debit cards. But when we bought cards online, one was never delivered (got a refund which took weeks), and one was already redeemed, so that got chalked up to a loss. Ecommerce fraud like this eats up over $50B per year. It’s not talked about too much, but there is a huge need for safer transactions, especially with irreversible payment methods like cryptocurrency. And so the focus on security for World was cemented. Topping this, simplicity and convenience is a huge selling point, so we’re also focused on P2P exchange and an L2 solution.

A3 (Holder Finance)

As I explained, I never stopped since my first steps in 2016 into the blockchain world to be convinced about its long-term potential. Thus, in Summer 2020, with the boom of the DeFi.

Then, I started to think about an innovative, secure, and profitable way to allow anybody to build his wealth. In early September, while I was surfing and chatting on different chats, I entered into a technical devs chat. As you must know, I’m not a dev then that was like Chinese for me.I had a chat with Andrea, aka Gordon, and the common mindset was obvious :)
I introduced my concept to him then we spoke for about 2 hours, mostly about blockchain and my idea.
He was as much excited as I was feeling the great potential of Holder Finance. When I sent him the WP draft, I confirmed his interest in building this ecosystem with me. A month later, we started to make the website and the project itself.


What is the future of your project?

A4 (World Token)

The future is to be a part of the crypto e-commerce ecosystem built in front of our eyes. Traditional companies are looking at bitcoin, some are accepting it as a form of payment, and new entrants are starting to build to enter the new arena of marketplaces. Our goal is to be a part of that movement and hold a significant position in it.

A4 (Holder Finance)

For Holder Finance this quarter is going to be the most exciting time to go with. Indeed, we will release many different, very cool, and profitable features on HolderSwap, which build our complete ecosystem and develop many use cases and sources of profits for our holders.

In April: We will release HolderLimit on PancakeSwap to allow our users to place limit orders on PancakeSwap using our platform app.holder.finance.
We will release our bridge protocol to Wrap HFS and HFi from ETH to BSC and vice versa.

In May: We will list both bHFi & bHFS on PancakeSwap.
We will deliver our first pools of the farming program: bHFS/BUSD LP and bHFi/BUSD LP to both rewards with bHFS tokens.
We will launch the Genesis Mining events/pools for HFi/bHFi to reward in HFi the holders who pool their HFi in LPs. (more info are available on our website by reading our WP)
Last milestone of May but not least: the metadata or Gasless upgrade of our HolderLimit feature on Ethereum will allow trade owners to place and cancel limit orders on Uniswap using our platform.


What is the main advantage for you with our partnership?

A5 (World Token)

Right now, gas costs on World tokens on Uniswap are like $100 and have gone as far up as $400 per tx. Short term, we see an excellent opportunity to limit orders to have zero gas fees for our users. As we’re a tax token, volume is critical. Having zero gas will allow for smaller players to speculate on the short-term price movements more frequently.

A5 (Holder Finance)

There is an obvious benefit for Holder Finance to partner with World, which is the exposure on the market, seeing how they have a strong community, and their releases are done regularly to improve the entire project. In that sense, we have the same mindset as World’s team as we aim to Holder Finance.


Do you see it as a short-term or long-term partnership?


The reasoning mentioned above is short-term, but for a long time, there’s always more to share and things to build on together so long as both projects are willing to create side by side actively, this is a long term partnership.

A6 (Holder Finance)

I’d say both :)
Indeed, the exposure is what we need the most to spread the word about our platform, even if we have a solid community, as our three rounds of private sales have already been fulfilled.

That said, I’m looking for the long term as I’m the kind of guy who likes to anticipate and always tries to develop the project. I see a potential to develop further both World and Holder Finance ecosystem by integrating World in our farming program, which will start in May and provide a bridge service to wrap ERC20 tokens to BEP20 and vice versa. Indeed, I’m aware that their current solution with BurgerSwap isn’t beneficial for the World holders as they have many technical issues, so they put their funds at risk.
We are developing our bridging solution for HFS and HFi, but in May, we will be able to work closely with World’s team to bring them a better solution! :)

Lastly, I see Holder Finance could extend use cases for its ecosystem by having HFS and HFi being accepted by the World marketplace as means of payment 🚀🚀🚀


How will you bring value to the partnership?

A7 (World Token)

We have a strong community and brand recognition. I believe our most significant contribution right now is new exposure for HFI. Of course, behind the scenes, we share tips as this industry can quickly eat a project alive and run their funds dry fast.

A7 (Holder Finance)

This will be a co-working in our team vision! We are in regular talks with the World team to make this partnership more extraordinary every day and what I detailed above is just some options. We will indeed be working further together with World to push this partnership even more valuable in the future for both World and Holder communities.


Do you have any other partnerships, and what benefits do they bring?

A8 (World Token)

We have one more partnership with SPI, and they’re sharing their industry contacts with us to foster growth; and they have also allowed World tokens to be used as acceptable currency on their platform, with a bonus 2% discount when World tokens are used.

A8 (Holder Finance)

We have other partnerships, of course.
First of all, we are partnered with CTDsec, a professional audit company incorporated since 2017, which reviews all our codes and provides audit reports before they go live.
We also have a partnership with Dextools to work on integrating our platform HolderSwap in their tracking Dapp.

We are currently in talks with several projects that have contacted us. Indeed, we are looking to develop use cases and our ecosystem and build a natural conglomerate of innovative and ambitious projects in DeFi to shake the top competitors in the shortest term possible.

Q9 (Community Question for World Token)

I’ve seen that the World testnet marketplace appears only to offer digital items. Will World allow the sale of physical objects shortly?


World will allow for physical items in the future as there are many logistical and anti-fraud measurements we’d have to take before we can even consider safely having that as part of the ecosystem. However, before then, you can look forward to safely transacting through escrow, buying in-game items, indie games themselves, gift cards, and the like. Then it will be made gasless, then buying and selling world through fiat will be made accessible. There’s plenty of other things to look forward to before then :)

Q10 (Community Question for World Token)

How does World differentiate itself from marketplaces like Opensea and Nifty gateway?


World focuses on security via the escrow system, gasless NFT sales, and we’re the only one focusing on bringing ERC20 tokens to a direct to fiat exchange!

Q11 (Community Question for Holder Finance)

Finance is said to be a high Capital Thing. Is there any way that someone can start with the lowest capital… e.g., a Student with the least amount like pocket money??


Hey mate good question. We are building a long term ecosystem with a token at very low supply (1,000 HFi released over 10 years). As soon as our bridge will be ready you’ll be able to buy bHFi on PCS thus avoid stoopid gas fees on ETH. Through our Genesis mining event you’ll be able to mint new HFi by staking your HFi so basically will be free money :)



World Token
World Token

Written by World Token

Global digital marketplace rewarding both users and merchants on every transaction.

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