World Token
12 min readSep 8, 2021



Could you introduce yourself and your background, your experience with crypto and a little something about the rest of the team?

A1 (Michel) :

Yes, sure !

First of all, thank you Benjamin for welcoming us to your home, we couldn’t wait to talk to the community !

So, I’m Michel, CEO & PROJECT MANAGER at

Well, those are some pretentious names, but in fact, I am in charge of the general management of the company.

I coordinate our team so that the project goes in the right direction and that the elements we announce are respected.

I worked several years in project management (sometimes for projects exceeding easily 500M€), and as I am addicted to crypto since 2018, it was natural for me to come there one day.

I’ve known the rest of the team personally for several years, we’ve all worked together before, so we have a strong trusting relationship between each other. (Patricia) :

My name is Patricia, I am the CFO, I manage the financial part of the company (team, marketing, development…).

I have been working in this field since more than 10 years.

(I’m trying to make it shorter than Michel’s message) (Michel) :

For the rest of the team, we’ve mostly devs, data-analyst and a few artists.

World Token (Benjamin) :

wow project management I know is stressful, don’t even get me started about handling funds hahha you guys sound capable though so no worries about that!


So all of you together as a team, is this your first project together?

A2 (Michel) :

We already known each others since years. (~5 years)

But, in crypto, yes, this is our first project.

In this one, we act as a video game publisher, we ensure the publication, distribution, we take care of the financing, communication…

With our experience, we have had the opportunity to develop a network of people who will act throughout the project so that it develops according to our plans.

World Token (Benjamin) :

ah quite interesting, ok ok hopefully you all work perfectly well in crypto together too!


Will we get to know all you guys too? (i.e. is team public?)

A3 (Michel) :

Yes, the team is totally public !

It was the most important part for us.

Our postal adress is visible on our website, you also have a lot of ways to communicate with us (phone, message, emails, telegram…).

We don’t hide anything.

Also, please note that the official registration of the company is in progress, we are based in France, we are now waiting for our SIREN NUMBER.

For those who don’t know anything about SIREN, it’s the national identifier of the company, it is composed of 9 randoms digits, and it gives access to all the legal and financial information that characterizes the company.

World Token (Benjamin) :

talk about transparency haha


Are all you guys in the same timezone at least?

A4 (Michel) :

Hehe !

Yes, the main actors of the project are all based in France, but depending on the direction the project will take in the long run, we will certainly call upon people from others countries.

In particular for the moderation of social networks.


How many of you are there currently, and are you looking to hire anyone else, aside from mods?

A5 (Michel) :

We started the project with 2 ppl in December 2020 (Patricia & I), we can say that we incubated the project together, thinking about the features that would compose it.

We strengthened our team in June 2021 with the integration of games devs, artists, as well as data-scientist.

This way, we have a strong critical eye on the development of the game.

We’re currently 5, and we’re currently looking for translators to translate our website. (already covered : EN/FRA)

We want to speak to everyone, including the guys that known nothing in crypto/nft…

And from experience, we know that many do not speak English.

World Token (Benjamin) :

True, even around telegram crypto, there’s quite a number of non english speakers.


Is there a company that the public can know?

A6 (Michel) :

You mean, for the development part?

If yes, this information will be announced ~3–4 months before the beta release (we’re thinking in long term, this is free marketing), the only thing we can tell you about that…

They’re worldwide known in the mobile gaming world — this is their first project with NFT — They’re F2P specialist.

World Token (Benjamin) :

oooh, ok so a bit of mystery but sounds exciting!


Let’s dive in more into the actual project, could you give me an elevator pitch or quick summary of the project?

A7 (Michel) :

Sure !

So, is a mobile game inspired by the greatest games in history in our eyes, pokemon, final fantasy saga (I to 10), and the games of Kairosoft.

Mix the best of these universe and you will understand the philosophy behind the project.

We want to tell a story, a beautiful story !

Our game will be composed of a story mode that will be broken down into chapters, we call them “Season”, in this regard, we will tease in the coming days/weeks some elements of the season 0’s story.

In this story mode, we also have integrated a multiplayer part, in the program :

- Creation of your own city

- PVP Battle alone (or with your team)

- Community Battle (the whole community vs. one or more Crypters)

Also, if a player prefers to play alone, without a team, it’s doable and it won’t harm their story mode experience.

CryptoTrainers (the name of our players), will be able to visit other players’ cities, especially those of their team or those highlighted by the Cryptowns team.

I’m trying to make it short hehe, it’s not that easy as our universe will be deep, I think I covered like 20% of what’s coming.

So, if the community has additional specific questions about various aspects of the game, don’t hesitate !


I see, what’s the plan to differentiate your NFT game from the others?

A8 (Michel) :

The story.

I can understand that one can ask this question, because, it’s true, gaming projects are currently shooting out of the ground like mushrooms.

But, in my opinion, although this question is legitimate (and I speak for the entire team, as we talked a lot about that), every game telling a story is different, we won’t look like any other existing game, that’s how we designed the project from the very beginning, we want players to have an unique experience, we want them to remember us, we want them to be proud of being a part of Cryptowns community.

So, ok, thing will maybe take time, it can be frustrating to wait sometime for playing a game, but the players will be rewarded.

Meh… You’re right, crypto world is cruel, the marketing campaign is already designed to be aggressive to stand out from other project, good game mechanics are not everything. :)

World Token (Benjamin) :

both things are exactly what we want to hear 😂 sounds good!


So do you have a roadmap for the short and long term?

A9 (Michel) :

Yep, so, as the community noticed, we choose to start the project with a partnership with $World Community (only), we started to talk a bit on social media, this is how we started.

Now, for the next days/weeks/months, we planned :

- Starting now / next days-weeks :

An aggressive marketing campaign (AMA, influencers…) that will start in a few hours from now.

-In the next few weeks:

Launch of our token that will be directly linked (in the future) to our game

(we’ll talk about the whitelisting/presale soon, don’t worry about that)

-In the next few weeks/months

Several partnerships with high value-added projects that revolve around the world of gaming, NFT in general, as well as third-party partners but that fits perfectly with our universe and the story we want to tell.

-In the next days/weeks

Video/Photo excerpt of some of our in-game features, we’ll cover : story mode, town creation, battle.

-In the next months

Beta release (~ 3 months before the release of the game), it should be noted that access to this beta will be reserved to players owning a Crypters stage 2 or more.

If anyone is looking for information about that, you can read our whitepaper.

-In the next months

Official Release, we’re excited for this one !

I didn’t notice a timeline for the implementation of games features, but everything will be ready for the beta.

World Token (Benjamin) :

this is a very detailed answer, I love and appreciate it! I’m sure all our readers do too.


Could you tell us more about the token, presale, tokenomics? All the details within that sphere :)

A10 (Michel) :

So, our game will be accompanied by a token, which will be one of the game’s currency.

To answer to you about the presale, we planned a presale, yes.

We will release a thread about this presale on our announcements channel, we will also get in touch with $World Community, one thing I can say :

Get your $World ready !

To return on our tokenomics, we have several systems linked to each others, such as :

1st — Buying Pressure System (on each NFT sales [Crypters, building, items])

In order to stabilize the market price and contribute to the costs associated with development, marketing (payment of salaries, influencers, ama…), we have set up a sustem that we call Buying Pressure System.

Randomly, in order to avoid market manipulation, we buy-back our tokens collected thought the sale of Crypters, Items and building (NFTs)

-> 75% of the NFT’s sales are used to buy-back our tokens to stabilize the price and ensure a large volume of transactions in order to reward our HODLers.

-> 25% of NFT’s sales are used for the marketing part, as well as the development part, a monthly report will be produced and distributed to the community


2nd — Taxes Protocols

We have decided to implement a tax on each buy / sell of our token.

The objectives of these taxes as well as their distribution is the following one :

Tax Rate : 10%, distributed as follow :

5% Holders Rewards: Used to reward token holders for HOLDing — it’s automatically redistributed to the holders

2% Automatic LP: Every trade contributes towards automatically generating liquidity that goes into pools used by exchanges

3% Transactions Tax: On all transaction, this tax is applied and sold by the contract into MATIC, we will buy-back tokens at random times

The objective of these taxes is to cover our investors by creating a solid price floor in order to protect them whenever someone decide to sell their tokens.

In this way, we avoid market fluctuations as much as possible.

Likewise, we reward our HODLers by making them earn tokens whenever someone buy or sells tokens.


We also have 2 system specific to our NFTs, we have revealed the mechanics concerning our Crypters in our whitepaper, the mechanics are :

1st : Crypters gain in value with each sale

For a same NFT (example : 012 — Leviathan), the more NFTs of this edition will be sold, the more expensive the price will be, we detail the formula on our whitepaper for those who are interested, but to make it simple, the earlier you buy an edition, the less you will pay and the more your resale potential will be important.

For this part, for more details about this mechanic, I invite you to read this page after the AMA :


2nd: Crypters Statistics

The Crypter’s base stats drop as NFTs are acquired.

The earlier you buy your Crypter, the higher the base stats will be.

The purpose of this drop in statistics is to increase the value of your Crypters in parallel with the price updated mentioned in the above link.

The mix of value with each sale + statistics drop increase even more your Crypter value if you want to resell it someday.

In general, I invite you to read carefully the tokenomics on our website, the message is already long enough as it is.

World Token (Benjamin) :

I understand why it’s been in development since December now, wow!


Can you tell us more about these Crypters? How many starting, and will you be releasing more over time or something? Also include stuff about the World one too!

A11 (Michel) :

Between 150 and 220 Crypters at release.

And yes, we plan to add more over the next few weeks,

On this subject, the owners of the Crypters (unique edition) n°037 to 043 will be invited to develop their own Crypters (3 evolutions) as well as their own city which we will add to the story mode (side quest).

Also, it should be noted that the eggs contain unique Crypters that we will reveal after any purchase, and we accompany with a bonus 30% of the royalties of the sales of these Crypters will be sent monthly to the owners of the egg (until the game is released).

Speaking about the most interestings Crypters, the World’s Leviathan, they will allow you to unlock specific buildings, cosmectics for your CryptoTrainer (yeah, I didn’t talked before about the cosmectics hehe).

The uniques buildings, cosmectics and so on will only be available on $World Archipelago, a city where the only currency allowed is the $World.

We’re so excited about showing to you guys the work we’ve done on this one, WE LOVE THIS PART OF THE GAME !


Can you tell us more about these Crypters? How many starting, and will you be releasing more over time or something? Also include stuff about the World one too!

A12 (Michel) :

It’s like a HODLER that never sells.

Every gain made through the sale of Leviathan (010–011–012) or building/item/cosmetics dedicated to the World Archipelago will be locked for a period of 6 months, minimum.


- 1 Leviathan stage 1 bought on September 05 : + 6 months minimum before any sale

- 1 Leviathan stage 1 bought on October 08 : + 6 months minimum before any sale


And long term what else do you see with the partnership between Cryptowns and World Token? :)

A13 (Michel) :

I would invite you for a beer in our office, for sure!

In the long term ?

An expansion of the use of your marketplace, a direct integration on our game, other collaborations (Crypters, Building, Items…), integration of community events dedicated to WorldToken Holders.

Always more sharing of our common resources, of our knowledge to increase the development of our respectives world.

Next months will be really exciting for both projects, i’m sure about that !

Note :

We can’t wait to see your governance token ! :D

World Token (Benjamin) :

sounds absolutely amazing! We’ll see about that beer 😂


Do you have plans to raise money from outside the crypto space?

A14 (Michel) :

Indeed, a such project need to raise money, so… we did.

We already raised a large amount of money (to give you a range before any public announcements, it’s between 1 to 1 000 000€).

These funds come from French investors who are starting out in the blockchain world and who have a strong interest in the NFT world.

We are also constantly looking for new contacts, whether in marketing or resources, we are open to all discussions, as long as it’s in the interest of the project, our investors, and our partners.

Because, we’re not interested at all in having (easy) investors that dump on the smaller investors.


The blockchain you are using is polygon right? And what are the conditions to participate in the presale?

A1 (Michel) :

Our NFT will be crosschain in the future (Ethereum, BSC, Solana, Polygon), season 0 is indeed exclusive to Polygon Matic L2.

Conditions for the presale will be released in few hours from now.


From my perspective this seems pretty ambitious, especially the cross chain operability. Do you have already plans on how you will achieve this?

From what I understand, correct me if I’m wrong you’ll be doing a game model where the general application will be handled off chain with the option to export/import the game assets as NFTs to/from a chain of your choice?

A2 (Michel) :

Yes, not all exchanges to the various chains will be handled directly in the game.

For us, it doesn’t matter if the crypto is based on Solana, Ethereum, BSC, Polygon, we work mainly with data aggregation.

(that’s why our data analyst has a key role on the project)

When a player catches a Crypter directly in the game,

He will be able to mint it on the chain of his choice, but in case of resale (or anything else), for now, it is planned that it will remain on its initial chain.


What also interests me is the design of the crypters. Concept of decreasing values sounds great. However how do you plan attracting new players if the early adopters have such a huge advantage?

A3 (Michel) :

We will have several waves of new Crypters over the next few months, so it will be totally possible to reach new (or smaller) investors, without any problem.

The quantities of new Crypters will be increasing in relation to the number of players, in order to keep a consistency towards the possible gains and the market price in general.

World Token (Benjamin) :

awesome, okay I think that’s all for now, is there anything you want to say before we end? (Michel) :

It’s already long enough! lol

For those interested by our project, our way of thinking, don’t hesitate to join us on our social medias :

- Telegram (announcements) :

- Telegram (chat) :

- Twitter :

Also, we’re having a next AMA with @ajcrypt0 from MultiChainApes on tuesday 7, don’t hesitate to join us if any question remain !

Also, if the community have any question, just ask ’em, will be happy to answer.

It was a pleasure to talk with you Benjamin !

Thanks again for this AMA !




World Token
World Token

Written by World Token

Global digital marketplace rewarding both users and merchants on every transaction.

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