World x Gervisuals
As part of the team’s continued dedication in establishing the crypto e-commerce space, the World Team is proud to announce our newest NFT partner merchant, Gervisuals.
With our partnership, Gervisuals will be selling three (3) NFTs of his famous 3D artworks exclusively on the World Marketplace this week.
Each NFT will be a 1-of-1 piece, carefully curated by both the World Team and Gervisuals themselves. Keep your eyes peeled for more announcements!
Gervisuals’ Socials
Instagram: @gervisuals
About Germán
Germán is a world renowned graphic designer from Spain, with a burning desire and never ending passion for creating. Ever since he was a child, he has said he hasn’t spent one day without drawing or designing. He first started by copying Disney pictures he saw online, and then went on to go to the drawing academy in Logreño.
For 11 years, Germán learned traditional techniques and afterward, decided to go into Industrial Design Engineering in Zaragoza. However, he knew his true passions lay in graphic design. So, he decided to follow his dreams and began working at a creative agency, Quelinka. Since then, he’s started working on illustrations, photographs, and digital retouching.
Fun Fact: Germán entered the NFT world only about 3 months ago and quickly became a favourite among NFT collectors. His last NFT drop in July of 2021 sold for $25,000 US.
Although graphic design is his main focus, he’s not afraid to step out of his boundaries and learn something new. Germán has grown professionally and developed various skills in developing 3D projects, audiovisual editing, post-production, and photomontages. His work has been appreciated by millions and millions of people and he has been published by some of the biggest companies in the world.
Make sure to keep your eyes peeled for more updates #ProudWorldCitizens
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